



January 2025: Participate in the Albemarle County Economic Development Strategic Plan Process by responding to a questionnaire on the county website by February 11.

March 2024: The new 2024-2025 Litter Collection Roster has been posted. Thanks to all who have volunteered to keep our entrance litter free.

5/15/24:  After a lovely social before the Annual Meeting, many folks wanted to share recipes – so now there’s a “Recipe Section” down below – check it out!   Send any recipes  you’d like to the Secretary, and they’ll get posted!

As of 5/1/24:  Albemarle County is no longer restricting burning to the hours between 4:00 p.m. and midnight – However,  all fires must be attended, and located more than 300 feet from any occupied structure.  More information about the restrictions can be found here.  Also available are the general guidelines for open-air burning in Albemarle.   The web-based Google Earth app has measuring tools which might be informative.

As of April 2, 2024, Firefly lists their planned date to deliver fiber broadband to our area (we are in their “Windrift” project area) by Spring, 2025.  They carefully note that spring goes to June 20, 2025, and that their connections will BEGIN then.  See “Albemarle Map” [] for their construction map and the “Construction Plans” [] for the construction plans.  To pre-register for Firefly (which should get you on the list for announcements about getting hooked up when they come to our area) go to


From time to time the Board will post information that it thinks might be of interest or helpful for the owners of Indian Springs.  If you are interested, please click on the attached links below — and please feel free to recommend additional websites you have found to be helpful!  Send your suggestions in an email to

Indian Springs Community News

The “Community News” feature, found only on the Members Only page, has been reserved for Indian Springs’ members to post information that they may wish to share with the community, like special birthdays, weddings or the birth of grandchildren.  It might also include questions for other neighbors about recommendations for painters or plumbers, gardening tips, hobbies or new kitchen recipes. In order to post to this page, please submit your proposed post to the HOA Board secretary.  The secretary’s email address is:

Items submitted for posting should be respectful and relevant to our community; all requests will be acknowledged but the actual posting is at the discretion of the secretary or designated web liaison.  Posts are in reverse chronological order.  The news list can easily be searched by keyword using “Control F”.

New!  Recipes to Share!

Area Resources