ISHOA Board (BOD) – Position Descriptions

The ISHOA Board of Directors (BOD) is elected by the membership for 3 year terms; specific roles (such as President, Treasurer, etc.) are decided upon by consensus of the BOD members after elections are held at the Annual Meetings, and roles can vary from year-to-year as the Board desires. When the HOA Board was formed in 2014, some of the the terms were truncated and staggered so that future BOD members would be elected at varying times to ensure that the Board would have at least 2 experienced members in place at all times.​

The primary duties of each BOD position are listed below.

1st Vice President
2nd Vice President 




  • Presides over meetings of the Association and meetings of the BOD.
  • Calls special meetings of the Association when directed by the BOD or upon a petition from not less than 10% of the Members.
  • Calls special meetings of the BOD as needed.
  • Ensures that every meeting presided over has the appropriate quorum, and tallies all votes and announces their results at the meeting.
  • Signs and files amendments to the CCRs which have been approved by at least 2/3 of the Owners.
  • Appoints committee members to committees created by the BOD.
  • Reports at least annually to the BOD.
  • Sees that orders and resolutions of BOD are carried out.
  • Signs all leases, mortgages, deeds, and other written instruments for the Association.
  • Signs checks and promissory notes of the Association as authorized by the BOD.
  • Oversees the day to day operations of the affairs of the Association.
  • Performs such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of President or are required by the BOD.

1st Vice President

  • Attends meetings of the BOD.
  • Acts as an additional Member-at-Large.
  • Advocates for the community.
  • Acts on behalf of the President, should the President not be able to act due to absence or incapacity.
  • Presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors in the absence of the President; and performs such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of President or are requested by the Board.
  • Is the liaison for internet connectivity for the subdivision; interfaces with the website committee, CenturyLink, and others as necessary.

2nd Vice President

  • Attends meetings of the BOD.
  • Acts as an additional Member-at-Large.
  • Advocates for the community.
  • Is the liaison for the Ground Committee for the subdivision; interfaces with maintenance contractors and vendors of necessary materials, and has oversight of the Dam (via the Dam Committee.)


  • Income and Expense: collects and deposits all assessments into the HOA bank accounts and pays all invoices that the HOA receives.
  • Banking:  handles all banking matters, including reconciliation of monthly bank statements.
  • Financial Statements: prepares regular financial statements, reflecting both income received and expenses paid.
  • Insurance Coverage:  responsible for maintaining HOA insurance coverage required by the CCRs.
  • Reserve Funds: works with other members of the Board to monitor the financial reserves of the HOA, ensuring that they are adequately maintained for any unplanned, major expense.
  • Registered Agent: serves as the HOA’s registered agent, required by State law. The registered agent accepts legal documents and notifications from the Virginia State Corporation Commission on behalf of the HOA.
  • Annual Tax Returns: prepares the annual income tax filings – both Federal and State.
  • Annual Budget: prepares the HOA’s annual budget and submits it to the entire Board for approval. The budget reflects the neighborhood’s projected income and expected expenses for the following year.


  • Minutes and Record Keeping:  generates, edits, and distributes all minutes of the Board of Directors (BOD) and Annual Meetings; records all votes at Annual Meetings; retains digital and hard copies of all minutes and of any documents referenced by the BOD during regularly-scheduled meetings.
  • Contact Information: maintains both private and public contact information for all members, and disseminates public contact information to members.
  • General Communications:  generates communications and correspondence as directed by the BOD;  publicizes items relevant to the community from local sources; acts as liaison to the Webmaster to ensure information is posted on the website in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Preparation for Annual Meetings:  generates announcements and reminders; collates all handouts for distribution;  generates, distributes, collects, and records proxy forms; generates the lot-owner attendance sheet, ensures it is properly completed at the time of the meeting, and keeps a record of same on file.
  • Postal Mail: holds the PO Box key, checks for mail on a regular basis, and forwards mail as appropriate.
  • Disclosure Packages:  generates Disclosure Packages as requested after first collecting the requisite fee.
  • Additional Information re Secretarial Duties: The secretary’s responsibilities are further outlined in the By-Laws, Approved in May 2017 in the following sections: 3.02 (Special Meetings), 3.04 (Notice of Meetings, 3.05 (Voting), 3.07 (Conduct of Meetings), Sections 4.10 & 5.02 (Resignation), and 5.05 (Duties of Officers).   Text excerpted from Section 5.05 (d) is as follows:
    “The Secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board of Directors and of the Members; keep the corporate seal of the Association and affix it on all papers requiring said seal; serve notice of meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Members; keep appropriate current records showing the Members of the Association, together with their addresses; and perform such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Secretary or are required by the Board.”